Last month was a good, hard training block. I was really feeling the fatigue after my ride on Sunday. I'm liking the Monday hot yoga routine. Though it's technically a workout, I always feel fresher after than before. This week is my rest week, which I'm taking extra serious, since I'm sick as a dog.
For the last couple weeks, my MPLS to Orono ride has been clear. Unfortunately, the path from Wayzata out along the north side of lake Minnetonka has been impassible, even on a mountain bike. This blocks my way from Orono to Excelsior, and forces an out-and-back route. At least it's outside. The transition from cross training to actual riding is nice.
In: bike rides, yoga
Out: racquetball, XC skiing, weights
I recently made some upgrades to my foul weather bike (left). I scored some 2.25" Trailbear tires at the bike swap for a great price, and added some Planet Bike fenders. The new fenders work ok, but the front one rattles a lot when I take a hand off the bars. I'm not sure what to do about that. Currently, this bike is a really weird mix of bargain basement and high end parts. Hopefully, it can still be re-tooled as light race bike if needed.
For your viewing pleasure, I leave you with this excellent video: