Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sneakin' in a Ride

I wasn't going to ride today. After an hour reading bike blogs on the 'net, I said screw it and decided to take a couple slow laps around Harriet. It's fun to tool around, hitting curbs and sticks on purpose, but going slow enough to get passed by senior citizens.

With a new chain, and softer grips, the bike feels smooth. I took the pressure in the tires down to 25 and they feel squishy up and down, but not side to side. They might need a couple more psi.

I like to get song going in my head for races. I'm brainstorming for Chequamegon:

Born to Run - The Boss
Move on Up - Curtis Mayfield
Galaxy 500 - Reverend Horton Heat
On a Plain - Nirvana
Ice ice baby - Noooo! Get out of my head!
Dancing queen - Crap!

That's the problem with a brain-based mp3 player.

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